Hey, I’m Kim
I’ve been blogging about planet-friendly architecture ever since we built our own sustainable haven 10 years ago.
In that time, a lot has changed.
The need for sustainably built, energy efficient homes has never been more urgent.
Last year, my country (Australia) ranked dead last for climate action out of 193 countries.
I was shocked, but unfortunately not surprised.
While we can (and should) despair over our politicians being bribed by the fossil fuel industry, we mustn’t forget our own power in all of this.
The power to shape the way we live.
And the power to support ideas, people and organisations that put the planet before profit (and to vote like our grandkids lives depend on it – because they do!)
After owning a successful interior design business for many years and building an eco home, I started my blog Designhunter to share my passion for sustainable design.
Ten years on, while world leaders squabble over whose responsibility it is to reduce emissions, the Great Barrier Reef is dying and many countries are being ravaged by unprecedented bushfires and floods.
This year, I decided to divert my anger into something constructive.
And so, Ecoshack was born.
Our mission here will be to offer advice, clarity and inspiration on how to build better and live more sustainably, with lots of actionable ‘how-to’ articles and hundreds of inspirational eco homes to explore.
While I will be researching and writing a lot of the content, we will also be inviting sustainability experts and thinkers to contribute, so if you are one or know one, let me know!
Feel free to get in touch and say hello, let us know about a new sustainable project, product or article idea. I’d love to hear from you.
Yours Sustainably, Kim